Katerine Duska - Sanctuary Text

Songtext zu Sanctuary

Suddenly there's silence, deafening
So let's break it
Know you want me to break it, louder
On this day of reckoning
Call out a higher hand
You feel my adrenaline?

So we on tonight?
I can be who you call for life
Mouth-to-mouth, seal up all your ghosts and lies
I can come through if you comply, you complying?
Still on tonight?
'Cause you've got me misidentified

Need you to see me under new light
And I will come through if you abide, are you abiding? abiding?

Sanctuary for you
I don't wanna wait
I don't wanna wait
Sanctuary for you
I don't wanna wait, no
I don't wanna wait
Sanctuary for you
I don't wanna wait, no
I don't wanna wait
Sanctuary for you
I don't wanna wait, no
I don't wanna wait

On tonight
I can be, get it on for life
I can be, on the line
I can be, get it down

On tonight
I can be, get it on for life
I can be, on the line
I can be, get it down

As we're slowly awakening
It shimmers in the distance
A secret force unveils
On this day of reckoning
No longer a distant lover
I'll soon be easing your pain

So we on tonight?
I can be who you call for life
Mouth-to-mouth, seal up all your ghosts and lies
I can through if you abide

Sanctuary for you
I don't wanna wait
I don't wanna wait
Sanctuary for you
I don't wanna wait, no
I don't wanna wait
Sanctuary for you
I don't wanna wait, no
I don't wanna wait
Sanctuary for you
I don't wanna wait, no
I don't wanna wait

On tonight
I could be, get it on for life
I could be, on the line
I could be, get it down
On tonight
I could be, get it on for life
I could be, on the line
I could be, get it down

And I can be it baby
And I can be it baby
And I can be it baby
And I can be it baby
And I can be it baby
And I can be it baby

Sanctuary for you
I don't wanna wait

On tonight
I can be, get it on for life
I can be, on the line
I can be, get it down

It's you
(Sanctuary) for you
(Sanctuary) for you
(Sanctuary) yeah, yeah
Yeah, it's you
(Sanctuary) for you
(Sanctuary) for you
Sanctuary for you

Katerine Duska - Sanctuary Songtext

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