Kanye West & Ty Dolla $ign feat. Chicago West, North West - Bomb Text

Songtext zu Bomb


Ayy, you know me, I'm the bomb
Bomb, bomb, bomb (Yeah)
I'm the— I'm the—
I'm the— I'm the—
Bomb (Yeah)
And you know me, I'm the bomb
Bomb, bomb, bomb
I'm the— I'm the—
I'm the— I'm the—
Bomb (Yeah)

Watashi no na ma e wa nōsu-chan (Oh)
Watashi no na ma e wa nōsu-chan (Oh)
And you know me, I'm the bomb
Bomb, bomb, bomb (Yeah)
I'm the— I'm the—
I'm the— I'm the— (I know, I know)
Bomb (Yeah)
And you know me, I'm the bomb
Bomb, bomb, bomb
I'm the— I'm the—
I'm the— I'm the—
Bomb (Oh)
Ohayōgozaimasu (Oh)
Kon'nichiwa (Oh)
Ohayōgozaimasu (Oh)
Kon'nichiwa (Oh, oh)

Watashi no na ma e wa nōsu-chan (Oh)
Watashi no na ma e wa nōsu-chan (Oh)
Mm, mm
Oh, oh

It's Chicago, you know I'm the one
I like to have fun
I like to go to the beach
I like the sun
You know which one
I only wave when I'm telling them bye (Oh)
(Bye, bye, bye)
I said
(Bye, bye, bye)
Goodbye (Oh)
What are you about?
Chi-chi out
Chi-chi out
Chi-chi out
I like to have fun all day, day, day-day-day (Oh)
There's only one thing to do
It is pray
P-p-pray (Oh)



Ayy, you know me, I'm the bomb
Bomb, bomb, bomb (Yeah)
I'm the— I'm the—
I'm the— I'm the—
Bomb (Yeah)
And you know me, I'm the bomb
Bomb, bomb, bomb
I'm the— I'm the—
I'm the— I'm the—
Bomb (Yeah)
わたしのなまえはノースちゃん (Oh)
わたしのなまえはノースちゃん (Oh)
And you know me, I'm the bomb
Bomb, bomb, bomb (Yeah)
I'm the— I'm the—
I'm the— I'm the— (I know, I know)
Bomb (Yeah)
And you know me, I'm the bomb
Bomb, bomb, bomb
I'm the— I'm the—
I'm the— I'm the—
Bomb (Oh)
おはようございます (Oh)
こんにちは (Oh)
おはようございます (Oh)
こんにちは (Oh, oh)
わたしのなまえはノースちゃん (Oh)
わたしのなまえはノースちゃん (Oh)
Mm, mm
Oh, oh

It's Chicago, you know I'm the one
I like to have fun
I like to go to the beach
I like the sun
You know which one
I only wave when I'm telling them bye (Oh)
(Bye, bye, bye)
I said
(Bye, bye, bye)
Goodbye (Oh)
What are you about?
Chi-chi out
Chi-chi out
Chi-chi out
I like to have fun all day, day, day-day-day (Oh)
There's only one thing to do
It is pray
P-p-pray (Oh)

Chicago West, North West & Ty Dolla $ign & Kanye West - Bomb Songtext

zu Bomb von Kanye West & Ty Dolla $ign - Bomb feat. Chicago West, North West Lyrics Kanye West & Ty Dolla $ign - Bomb feat. Chicago West, North West Text Kanye West & Ty Dolla $ign & Chicago West, North West - Bomb Tekst piosenki Bomb Kanye West & Ty Dolla $ign Bomb Liedtext
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