Kanye West - LA Monster Text

Songtext zu LA Monster

It's the ugliest nightmare born from the prettiest dreams
Millions of people tryin' to get on the scene
And everyone sellin' their souls, everyone sellin' their...
Everyone sayin' they woke
But they sleepwalkin', dead, eyes closed

L.A. monster
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
Lord, save these people, they asleep
They lettin' Satan run they streets
Lord, save us from

L.A. monster
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
Lord, save these people, they asleep
They lettin' Satan run they streets
Lord, save us from
L.A. monster (L.A. Monster)

L.A. monster, L.A
L.A. monster, L.A
L.A. monster, L.A
L.A. monster, L.A

It's the ugliest nightmare born from the prettiest dreams (Oh)
Millions of people tryin' to get on the scene (Oh, yeah)
And everyone sellin' their souls, everyone sellin' their...
Everyone sayin' they woke (Oh, yeah)
But they sleepwalkin', dead, eyes closed (Yeah-yeah)

L.A. monster
It's the ugliest nightmare born from the prettiest dreams
Millions of people tryin' to get on the scene
And everyone sellin' their souls, everyone sellin' their...
Everyone sayin' they woke
But they sleepwalkin', dead, eyes closed
L.A. monster (L.A. monster)

L.A. monster, L.A
L.A. monster, L.A
L.A. monster, L.A
L.A. monster, L.A

L.A. monster, L.A
Jesus, save all my people
L.A. monster, L.A
From this monster, 'fore it takes their souls
L.A. monster, L.A
It gives false hope and eats them whole
L.A. monster, L.A
Sinned billionaires who are still broke
L.A. monster, L.A
Jesus, save all my people
L.A. monster, L.A
From this monster, 'fore it takes their souls
L.A. monster, L.A
It gives false hope and eats them whole
L.A. monster, L.A
Sinned billionaires who are still broke

Kanye West - LA Monster Songtext

zu LA Monster von Kanye West - LA Monster Lyrics Kanye West - LA Monster Text LA Monster Kanye West LA Monster Liedtext
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