Joya Marleen - Softly Speaking Text

Songtext zu Softly Speaking

I'm softly speaking to the voices in my head
They bitching around and I cannot understand
What they saying, or they are really sayingI found myself dreaming in the middle of the fog
Staring at the ceiling to meet us on the door
I am burning, I'll make the pictures turnin'

I'm still breathing, I'm still standing
I'm still hoping my friend

But it's you
Ooh, ooh

There's something on my bone, it's breaking inside
The thought of me get cold but I'll put it beside
You know it's normal, when you're getting formal
The tears for the prize is making you stronger
The fire in your heart is gettin' tougher
You're burning, it's makes the picture turning

I'm still breathing, I'm still standing
I'm still hoping my friend

But it's you
Ooh, ooh

Don't you know that I'm still breathing?
Don't you know that I have feelings?
Don't you know that I'm still dancing?
Don't you know I'm still alive?

Don't you know that I'm still breathing?
Don't you know that I have feelings?
Don't you know that I'm still dancing?
Don't you know I'm still alive?
Alive, alive

But it's you (but it's you)
(You know it's true) ooh-ooh
Ooh-ooh (but it's you)
Ooh, ooh (you know it's true)

Don't you know that I'm still breathing?
Don't you know that I have feelings?
Don't you know that I am dancing?
Don't you know I'm still alive?
Don't you know that I am still breathing?
Don't you know that I have feelings?
Don't you know that I'm dancing?
Don't you know I'm still alive?
Don't you know I'm still alive?

Joya Marleen - Softly Speaking Songtext

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