Songtext zu Green Serpent
The grapes are falling downThe grapes are falling down
The grapes are falling down
Please add some sober water
Into heady wine.
Don’t turn into a raging storm
This peaceful night.
This peaceful night
Here it comes, the green serpent.
It puts you on the path…
How deep is the mud
In this tempting vineyard?
The grapes are falling down
And you pick them one by one.
The drunk stepped into the adult life,
Lukewarm wine is his blood.
It’s not him who drinks from the bottle
It’s the bottle that drinks from him.
It’s starting here… You don’t drink, you absorb it.
Eventually you’re swallowed by the mud.
Here it comes. The green serpent.
It puts you on the path so unsure.
The serpent gives an umbrella on a sunny day.
And takes it back when it rains.
It holds so much annihilating power
So it’s turning
Saints into sinners in just one hour.
It’s starting here… You don’t drink, you absorb it.
Eventually you’re swallowed by the mud.
Here it comes. The green serpent.
It puts you on the path so unsure.
A foe and a friend
Locks you in pirouette.
Shame hurts more then headache
Let the Green Serpent slitter away.
Let the Green Serpent slitter away.
The grapes are falling down…
The grapes are falling down…
JINJER - Green Serpent Songtext
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