Jessie Murph - Love Lies Text

Songtext zu Love Lies

Bitch look good with the lights low
That boy said love, it's a typo
Champagne gone with the dance
I'd love to take that, mmm, but I can't
I seen a lot of motherfuckin' minute men
Fit 'em in a motherfuckin' mini van
Cocaine down to a gram
I'd love to take that bump but I can't

I don't fuck around
I don't dim it down
I don't drink to drown, I delete it
Still water's worse

I been killed the thirst, I don't need it

Love loves that sweet talk through the night
Love loves to look you in your eyes
Love lies
Love loves to shoot you up so high
Love makes you goddamn wanna die
Love lies

Love lies, lies, lies
Love lies

Maybe in the morning I'm a jackass
Maybe in the morning I go right back
Maybe in the morning I'm in, I'm drinking again
I think that he ain't like that
How thick is the floor 'til you fall through
How quick I'll do what I won't do
See past the shit that I've seen
The shit you can't clean

That make a bitch mean
That make a bitch feen
D-D-did you see that

Love loves that sweet talk through the night
Love loves to look you in your eyes
Love lies
Love loves to shoot you up so high
Love makes you goddamn wanna die
Love lies

Love lies, lies, lies
Love lies, lies, lies, lies

Love loves that sweet talk through the night
Love loves to look you in your eyes
Love lies
Love loves to shoot you up so high
Love makes you goddamn wanna die
Love lies

Jessie Murph - Love Lies Songtext

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