Jeremy Zucker & Chelsea Cutler - emily Text

Songtext zu emily

[Verse 1: Jeremy Zucker, Jeremy Zucker & Chelsea Cutler]
And the worst of it all, I still believe in you
And these nightmares we've kept
In the heat of it all I made an enemy
Put our demons to rest

[Pre-Chorus: Jeremy Zucker & Chelsea Cutler]
So I'll swallow my pride and fall in line
And you can just say that "everything's fine"
But we both know that's not enough (Mmm)

[Chorus: Jeremy Zucker]
So I'll promise you I'll be the best thing for us

Then I'll fight with your friends and I'll trash your apartment
I'll lie to you screaming, ''I'd die for you''
Knowing how hard it'll be to get back where we started
In Paris you asked me if I was afraid that wе'd fall out of love
Would that be okay, Emily?

[Verse 2: Chelsea Cutler, Chelsea Cutler & Jeremy Zucker]
And in spite of it all, you'rе still my everything
When we're nothing at all
Come to think of it all, you are the centerpiece
Around which I revolve

[Pre-Chorus: Chelsea Cutler & Jeremy Zucker]
So I'll bury the hurt and wait my turn
And we can pretend that people unlearn
When we both know it's not enough (Mmm)

[Chorus: Jeremy Zucker]
So I'll promise you I'll be the best thing for us
Then I'll fight with your friends and I'll trash your apartment

I'll lie to you screaming, "I'd die for you"
Knowing how hard it'll be to get back where we started
In Paris you asked me if I was afraid that we'd fall out of love
Would that be okay?

[Outro: Jeremy Zucker & Chelsea Cutler]

Jeremy Zucker & Chelsea Cutler - emily Songtext

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