Jeremih feat. Bryson Tiller & Chris Brown - Wait On It Text

Songtext zu Wait On It

Might say, but I won't say
Just might kiss on her lips right by her hips like mwah, baby
Pop champagne older than, this Lo Spumante
Always talkin bout I'm a bad boy, sound like Auntie

They throw shade, like when my roof go down
Is you fuckin with me?
Well I'm fuckin on you tonight
Slow down, do the limit for me, one time
20/20 visions, it's just you and me and I

Plenty freak hoes and Titos
They dance while we go

We know (We know)

Make me wait on it (Yea, yea)
Make me wait on it (Please me)
Make me wait on it
Make me wait on it
Make me wait on it (Yeah, just please me)
Make me wait on it
Make me wait on it
Make me wait on it (Yeah)

[Verse 2 Bryson Tiller]
See ya, I see ya
A plane, you know where I be up
I'm saying me and you should link up
You know that I've been waiting for a minute
We ain't even had no conversation for a minute
I ain't trying to play with your feelings
I gotta know if you're still his or mine

Baby, crazy baby, you told me to keep waiting
Didn't care if I was lonely
Didn't care to come check on me
You can make me one less lonely
But you make me wait on it

Make me wait on it
Make me wait on it
Make me wait on it
Make me wait on it
Make me wait on it
Make me wait on it
Make me wait on it
Make me wait on it

Breezy baby
If that's your new n***a I know he jealous of me
Ain't tryna talk bad, talk bad
Got me saved as Don't Answer on your caller ID
And we done lost all contact

Does he know what you can do upon that stripper pole? (Does he know?)
Did you show him everything that I taught you?
Is he blinded by the diamonds that I bought you?
Do you go out in all the shit that I got you?
White sands, you drove the boat to
Now you got all these new friends tryna coach you
I remember when I used to be your go-to
Now when I make a reservation you say Nobu

Make me wait on it
Make me wait on it
Make me wait on it
Make me wait on it
Make me wait on it
Make me wait on it
Make me wait on it
Make me wait on it

Bryson Tiller & Chris Brown & Jeremih - Wait On It Songtext

zu Wait On It von Jeremih - Wait On It (feat. Bryson Tiller & Chris Brown) Lyrics Jeremih - Wait On It (feat. Bryson Tiller & Chris Brown) Text Jeremih & Bryson Tiller & Chris Brown - Wait On It Tekst piosenki Wait On It Jeremih Wait On It Liedtext
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