Jasper Steverlinck - That's Not How Dreams Are Made Text

Songtext zu That's Not How Dreams Are Made

[Verse 1]
Forgot about you lover
And the way we used to be
Forgot about the heartache
And the night you set me free
Forgot about you lover
Dancing in the breeze
That's not how dreams are made

[Verse 2]
Forgot about you lover
And the clothes you used to wear
Forgot about the heartache
And the nights we used to share

Forgot about you lover
You left me standing there
That's not how dreams are made

Where are you know?
Now that my heart it aches
Where are you now?
Now that my heart it breaks

[Verse 3]
Forgot about the sunshine
You're living there I hear
Forgot about the heartache
It slowly disappeared
Forgot about you lover
You faded with the years
That's not how dreams are made

But where are you know?
Now that my heart it aches
Where are you now?
Now that my heart it breaks

Where are you know?
Now that my heart it aches
Where are you know?
Now that my heart it breaks

[Verse 4]
Forgot about you lover
And the way we used to be
Forgot about the heartache
And the night you set me free
Forgot about you lover
Dancing in the breeze
That's not how dreams are made

Jasper Steverlinck - That's Not How Dreams Are Made Songtext

zu That's Not How Dreams Are Made von Jasper Steverlinck - That's Not How Dreams Are Made Lyrics Jasper Steverlinck - That's Not How Dreams Are Made Text That's Not How Dreams Are Made Jasper Steverlinck That's Not How Dreams Are Made Liedtext
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Album: Night Prayer (2018)

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