Songtext zu Charisma
(Find somebody with half the charisma)
Oh no, it looks like he's started to grow,
He's getting way out of control
Oh don't you know
I just started the show
I thought this way, what you all want
You cannot ignore me for long
I succeed and know you do as well
I would love to see you try and find
(Find somebody with half the charisma
Find somebody with half the charisma
Find somebody with half the charisma)
Oh please,
I'm spreading like a disease,
The temperature's rising, you'll freeze
You look like you're about to sneeze
Oh damn,
He's everything, I want him bad
I want to keep him to myself
And showcase attached to my bed
I am more than [body temperature]
I would love to see you try to find (find)
(Find somebody with half the charisma
Find somebody with half the charisma
Find somebody with half the charisma)
I would love to see you try to find
(Find somebody with half the charisma)
Jann - Charisma Songtext
zu Charisma von Jann - Charisma Lyrics Jann - Charisma Text Jann - Charisma Tekst piosenki Charisma Jann Charisma LiedtextJann Charisma Letra de Charisma com Jann
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