James LaBrie - Devil In Drag Text

Songtext zu Devil In Drag

[Instrumental Intro]

[Verse 1]
Don't need to taint your thoughts
Deep down you're tied in knots
Resentment simmers in you

Keep pushing what's good aside
One hell of a bumpy ride
No one you'll answer to

[Pre-Chorus 1]
Yeah, you kill me
Believe all they're telling you

Sadly, gladly
No question what's expected of you

You run away from all the lies in life
You're all alone and on your own
You run away from all your lies in life
Devil in drag, you're on your own

[Verse 2]
Give you some sound advice
My words feel like ice
You're but a shell of the man I once knеw

Take a good look at yourself
Forgotten book on a shеlf
Is there a flame still burning in you?

[Pre-Chorus 2]

Yeah, you kill me
No question it's affecting you
Sadly, gladly
A blind man's point of view

You run away from all the lies in life
You're all alone and on your own
You run away from all your lies in life
Devil in drag, you're on your own

Sacrificed all you held dear
For what, a pack of lies
Trade it back but they don't hear
Be careful what you wish for in life

[Guitar Solo]

You run away from all the lies in life
You're all alone, you're on your own
You run away and still you can't decide
Devil in drag, you're on your own

You're led astray from all your lies in life
You feel betrayed under the knife
You run away from all your lies in life
Devil in drag, you're on your own

[Guitar Solo Outro]

James LaBrie - Devil In Drag Songtext

zu Devil In Drag von James LaBrie - Devil In Drag Lyrics James LaBrie - Devil In Drag Text Devil In Drag James LaBrie Devil In Drag Liedtext
James LaBrie Devil In Drag Letra de Devil In Drag com James LaBrie Album: Beautiful Shade of Grey (2022)

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