James Blunt - Happier Text

Songtext zu Happier

Where did we start? How did we fall?
Was it because when you know love then you never let go?
Where do we find the sun and the moon?
Is there a time you realize you can't go it alone?

That's what it means
Red, gold, and green

You and me
Laughing on Sundays
So close to your body
And it's hard to see
The look on your face

When I say I have to leave
You in the morning
Make me feel sorry
Every second away
Was too much to take
Was too much, yeah you and me
Used to be

Back to the start, here in the dark
Watching with sadness as these two branches are growing apart
You were everything from the day that I met you
Under my skin, no one's been but I let you
And if you ask, it's in your arms I wanna be

Just you and me
Laughing on Sundays
So close to your body
And it's hard to see
The look on your face

When I say I have to leave
You in the morning
Make me feel sorry
Every second away
Was too much to take
Was too much, yeah you and me
Used to be

Time goes fast and you got to weather
People get worse and people get better
Oh, oh, oh, yeah
Some come first and I can't be jealous
People get hurt and people regret it
That's what it means
Red, gold, and green

You and me
Laughing on Sundays
So close to your body
And it's hard to see
The look on your face
When I say I have to leave
You in the morning
Make me feel sorry
Every second away
Was too much to take
Was too much, yeah you and me
Used to be

James Blunt - Happier Songtext

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