Jake Isaac - GOOD MAN Text

Songtext zu GOOD MAN

[Verse 1: Jake Isaac]
If you knew me then you'd know I loved you
'Cause you light my world
And you heal my heart
If I lose you I'd be lost, I'd be hopeless
And anywhere I'd go
You'd have my heart

[Pre-Chorus: Jake Isaac]
Please tell me that you want this, want this
Please say 'cause I'm hoping, hoping you're staying
I don't think I could be with no one else

[Chorus: Jake Isaac]

You're the only one
The only one I love
No good with no one else
I'm only good when I'm with you, oh

[Verse 2: Tertia May]
If I told you this back then, would you listen?
Would we be here now?
Would it feel so dark?
You're the reason I can't go, I'm not leaving
And I pray these words
They change your heart

[Pre-Chorus: Tertia May]
Please tell me that you want this, want this
Please say 'cause I'm hoping, hoping you're staying
I don't think I could be with no one else

[Chorus: Tertia May, Jake Isaac, both]

You're the only one
The only one I love
No good with no one else
I'm only good when I'm with you
You're the only one
The only one I love
No good with no one else
I'm only good when I'm with you
When I'm with you
Good with you
When I'm with you

[Outro: Jake Isaac]
You're the only one
The only one I love
No good with no one else
I'm only good when I'm with you

Jake Isaac - GOOD MAN Songtext

zu GOOD MAN von Jake Isaac - GOOD MAN Lyrics Jake Isaac - GOOD MAN Text GOOD MAN Jake Isaac GOOD MAN Liedtext
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Album: Honesty (2021)

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