Ivy - Keep Moving Text

Songtext zu Keep Moving

There are traces of the people
And the faces I have known
As the bus stops at the building
The place that I called home
Thought I'd left forever
Never thought that I'd return
But everyday, I make my way
I guess I never learn

I never meant to hurt you
No matter what I said
I never did desert you
You are still inside my head
The earth will keep on turning

The sun will always rise
Don't know why, seems like I
I'm always so surprised

I can't sleep at night
Life is black and white
And all I can do
In a world without you
Is keep moving
Keep moving
Is keep moving
Keep moving

I'm living, but I'm nowhere
Wondering what to do
I know that I am someone
But I can't remember who
Words are never simple

And looking back in time
Has only shown me what I know
There's nothing left that's mine

Staring at the skyline
The light is almost through
It's going out of focus
It's breaking into two
So I leave again like always
And I try to find my way
It'll be awhile, but I know I'll
Be coming back someday

I can't sleep at night
Life is black and white
And all I can do
In a world without you
Is keep moving
Keep moving
Is keep moving
Keep moving

I can't sleep at night
Life is black and white
And all I can do
In a world without you
Is keep moving
Keep moving
Is keep moving
Keep moving

Ivy - Keep Moving Songtext

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Album: In the Clear (2005)

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