Songtext zu Isabel
I've been trying to find time to find myself againI've been playing with the tendons in my hands
I've been trying to learn how to be my own person
Instead of trying to be interesting
Fuck never being quite enough
Fuck being second-favorite
It was never up to me anyway
This isn't about love, but that doesn't make it painless
Guess I'll be the one who has to say
You don't have to be good all the time
You don't have to have the answer
You don't have to be right
You don't have to be the strong one
You don't have to be liked
You're allowed to bleed outside the lines
Isabel, you're allowed to change your mind
I've been making new friends and listening to them
I've been laughing on stranger's couches
I've been thinking about how I talk to myself
How my words cut like no one elses
Fuck never being satisfied; fuck a pity party
I'll never be a machine
I always wanted to be so unfeeling
But where has that ever gotten me?
You don't have to be good all the time
You don't have to have the answer
You don't have to be right
You don't have to be the strong one
You don't have to be liked
You're allowed to bleed outside the lines
Isabel, you're allowed to change your mind
You don't have to be special; you don't have to be anything
You don't have to move on if you aren't ready
You don't have to set examples, and you don't have to lead
You're allowed to want, and you're allowed to leave
You don't have to be good all the time
You don't have to have the answer
You don't have to be right
You don't have to be the strong one
You don't have to be liked
You're allowed to bleed outside the lines
Isabel, you're allowed to change your mind
Isabel Pless - Isabel Songtext
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