Inez Foxx - Crossing over the Bridge Text

Songtext zu Crossing over the Bridge

I'm crossing over
I'm crossing over the bridge
Hey, I'm crossing over
I'm crossing over the bridge
I want you to lose all the shackles around me
Untie the chains that bound me
Unlock the door to this house, oh!
I will leave if you let me out
'Cause I heard of a better place, it's just over the bridge
I'm tired of sleeping with you every night
Waking up knowing you didn't love me right
I'm tired of looking at the funky four walls
Oh lord, help me, my world's about to fall
You know I heard of a better place, it's just over the bridge, yeah

You know I'm crossing over (Crossing over the bridge)
I said I'm on my way (Crossing over the bridge)
I'm crossing over
I'm crossing over the bridge (Crossing over)
You know I heard of a better place, just over the bridge, yeah
I'm gonna put on, my prettiest dress
And make sure, that I look my very best
I'm gonna dance, dance, dance
And have a good time
Before I left you, blow my mind, mind, mind

I'm crossing over (Crossing over the bridge)
I'm on my way (Crossing over the bridge)
Hey, I'm crossing over, crossing over the bridge (Crossing over)
You know I heard of a better place, it's just over the bridge

Come on children (Crossing over, over the bridge)
Cross over the bridge (Crossing over, over the bridge)

Come on and go with me (Crossing over, over the bridge)
Hey, we're gonna have a good time (Crossing over, over the bridge)
Just over the bridge (Crossing over, over the bridge)
I heard you, you, you

Inez Foxx - Crossing over the Bridge Songtext

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Album: The Complete Stax / Volt Soul Singles, Vol. 3: 1972-1975 (1994)

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