In This Moment - Sacrifice Text

Songtext zu Sacrifice

[Verse 1]
You don't know how I got here
You don't know how I feed
You think that you're inside me
But the truth is you don't know a thing

So what if I say I want it?
What if I say now's the time?
So what if I say I need this?
To come alive again

I set fire from the inside

I feel the fever rushing over me
Some would say this is suicide
I'm on the edge of reality
I want to stay but I got to go
'Cause this is do or die
I could fall but I gotta know
It's time for me to come alive
With my sacrifice

[Verse 2]
I told you, you don't want me
I showed you what I am
I told you I'd consume you
Still you're crawling around my pain

So tell me why are you still here?
So tell me why you just won't go?
So tell me what I got to do now?

To come alive again

I set fire from the inside
I feel the fever rushing over me
Some would say this is suicide
I'm on the edge of reality
I want to stay but I got to go
'Cause this is do or die
I could fall but I gotta know
It's time for me to come alive
With my sacrifice

I wanna stay but I gotta go
I wanna stay but I gotta go
I wanna stay but I gotta go
I set fire
Come alive
I wanna stay but I gotta go

I set fire from the inside
I feel the fever rushing over me
Some would say this is suicide
I'm on the edge of reality
I want to stay but I got to go
'Cause this is do or die
I could fall but I gotta know
It's time for me to come alive
With my sacrifice

In This Moment - Sacrifice Songtext

zu Sacrifice von In This Moment - Sacrifice Lyrics In This Moment - Sacrifice Text Sacrifice In This Moment Sacrifice Liedtext
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Album: GODMODE (2023)

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