Imagination Movers (OST) - Be Yourself Text

Songtext zu Be Yourself

Well you know we miss our friend
And we're wonderin' where you been
Not actin' like yourself
It's like you're someone else

Lately you've been acting strange
Think it's time to make a change
Look inside, and you will find
There's one thing to remember:

Be yourself
Don't you worry 'bout a thing
Be yourself

There ain't nothin' to it
Be yourself,
now come on, everybody sing
We like you just the way you are

Trying to impress a crowd
Dressed up a li'l too loud
Don't you know we like you
Just the way you are?
No one else is just like you
Nobody does what you do
So to yourself be true, be true

Be yourself
Don't you worry 'bout a thing
Be yourself
There ain't nothin' to it
Be yourself,
now come on, everybody sing
We like you just the way you are

Keep your chin up, keep your chin up, yeah!
Put your feet back, put your feet back on the ground
(Feet back on the ground)
Keep your chin up, keep your chin up, yeah!
Put your feet back, put your feet back on the ground
(Feet back on the ground)

How do you feel?
I'm feeling good, good, good
I'm keeping it real
Feeling good, good, good
How do you feel?
Feeling good, good, good
I'm keeping it real
Feeling good, good, good
Keeping it real!

Imagination Movers (OST) - Be Yourself Songtext

zu Be Yourself von Imagination Movers (OST) - Be Yourself Lyrics of Be Yourself by Imagination Movers (OST) - Be Yourself Text Be Yourself Imagination Movers (OST) Be Yourself Liedtext
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