Hotkid - My Way Text

Songtext zu My Way

Ah, ninu aye
K'emi ma lọ sọnu ninu aye
K'emi ma lọ sọnu ninu aye
K'emi ma lọ sọnu ninu aye (Niphkeys)
Oh no, oh no
Ah, ninu aye
K'emi ma lọ sọnu ninu aye
K'emi ma lọ sọnu ninu aye
K'emi ma lọ sọnu ninu aye

[Verse 1]
They say money can't buy happiness
But I still wanna get it

I rather cry in a private jet
Than to be smiling in the trenches
Even the girl wey you love go follow another man
When there is no money ah
She gat me worried now
'Cause only me got me ah, so

I do my thing my way (My way)
Mi o dẹ le foor laye
Nobody go follow me feel my pain
I keep asking "Igbawo l'owo ma de?"
I do my thing my way oh, ah
Mi o dẹ le foor laye
Nobody go follow me feel my pain
I keep asking "Igbawo l'owo made?"

Ah, ninu aye

K'emi ma lọ sọnu ninu aye
K'emi ma lọ sọnu ninu aye
K'emi ma lọ sọnu ninu aye
Ah, ninu aye
K'emi ma lọ sọnu ninu aye
K'emi ma lọ sọnu ninu aye
K'emi ma lọ sọnu ninu aye

[Verse 2]
So many opression on Instagram
And me I no fit risk my life
'Cause if person go do ritual
Irọ o, ẹsẹ kẹsẹ lọ ma paa
Even my niggas wey don make am now
If I call on them dem go fall my hand
And me I no fit reason am (Kilode oh?)
Make we no dey get kwanta
'Cause even the girl wey you love go follow another man
When there Is no money ah
She gat me worried now
'Cause only got me ah
Say, your girlfriend go follow another man
When there is no money ah
She gat me worried now
'Cause only me got me ah, so

I do my thing my way (My way)
Mi o dẹ le foor laye
Nobody go follow me feel my pain
I keep asking "Igbawo l'owo made?"
I do my thing my way (My way)
Mi o dẹ le foor laye
Nobody go follow me feel my pain
I keep asking "Igbawo l'owo made?"

Ah, ninu aye
K'emi ma lọ sọnu ninu aye
K'emi ma lọ sọnu ninu aye
K'emi ma lọ sọnu ninu aye
Ah, ninu aye
K'emi ma lọ sọnu ninu aye
K'emi ma lọ sọnu ninu aye
K'emi ma lọ sọnu ninu aye

Hotkid - My Way Songtext

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