Holy Molly - Bang Bang Text

Songtext zu Bang Bang

[Da-ra-ri-ra-ra, Maria]

[Verse 1]
Just like a flower
She was dancing in the sun
Before he stormed in
And messed everything around
She can't escape him
And she misses living wild
Oh, wild

Some days I'm broke, some days I'm a mess

It's hard for me to show, it's hard to confess
Cause I am just a human, human
And after all, I'm bleeding alone

Bang, bang, bang
Maria, Maria's on the ground
Bang, bang
You shot her in her heart
Bang, bang, bang
Maria, Maria's on the ground, the ground
Oh, no, no

Da-ra-ri-ra-ra, Maria
Da-ra-ri-ra-ra, Maria
Da-ra-ri-ra-ra, Maria
Da-ra-ri-ra-ra, Maria

[Verse 2]

He's like addiction
And this love has got her drowned
She saw it coming
But no way to make a sound
And in the ending
She forgot shе ever smiled (oh, smilеd)

Some days I'm broke, some days I'm a mess
It's hard for me to show, it's hard to confess
Cause I am just a human, human
And after all, I'm bleeding alone

Bang, bang, bang
Maria, Maria's on the ground
Bang, bang
You shot her in her heart
Bang, bang, bang
Maria, Maria's on the ground, the ground
Oh, no, no
Bang, bang, bang
Maria, Maria's on the ground
Bang, bang
You shot her in her heart
Bang, bang, bang
Maria, Maria's on the ground, the ground
Oh, no, no (I'm sayin')

Da-ra-ri-ra-ra, Maria
Da-ra-ri-ra-ra, Maria
Da-ra-ri-ra-ra, Maria
Da-ra-ri-ra-ra, Maria

Oh, no, no, no

Holy Molly - Bang Bang Songtext

zu Bang Bang von Holy Molly - Bang Bang Lyrics Holy Molly - Bang Bang Text Bang Bang Holy Molly Bang Bang Liedtext
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