Holiday87 - Omen Text

Songtext zu Omen

[Verse 1: Lyrah]
Slow talking
Tell me every dream
And tell me what you see now
You're all I, all I ever know to stay
All my friends are telling me to watch myself
And I know
All my friends are telling me to let you go
But I don't
And I don't

[Pre-Chorus: Lyrah]
And I hear her calling out
I know

Listening for every sound
Just hold
I'm running in reverse
'Til undone
I see it in my head and I go

[Chorus: Lyrah]
I see it in my head and I go
I could never give it up
I'd play it out again and we'll go
I could never give you up
I see it in my head and I go
I could never give you up

[Verse 2: Lyrah]
Cold fated
Holding all control
Pressure on the pull now
Keep ready
Giving it another day

I would do it all again to lose myself
Keep it lost
I would do it all again to bring you back
To restart

[Pre-Chorus: Lyrah]
And I hear her calling out
I know
Listening for every sound
Just hold
I'm running in reverse
'Til undone
I see it in my head and I go
I see it in my head and I go

[Chorus: Lyrah]
I see it in my head and I go
I could never give it up
I'd play it out again and we'll go
I could never give you up
I see it in my head and I go
I could never give you up

Lyrah und Holiday87 - Omen Songtext

zu Omen von Holiday87 - Omen Lyrics Holiday87 & Lyrah - Omen Text Omen Holiday87 Omen Liedtext
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