Highland Sanctuary - Backroad Saturday Night Text

Songtext zu Backroad Saturday Night

If you would’ve seen me
All the places i been to
If you would’ve seen me
These wrong roads i been walkin’ on

If you could feel me
That i need you more than you'll ever know
I really mean it
Please Never leave me until i say so

I finally found some place to stay

I want you 25 hours a day
8 days a week and oh please just stay

I Need you 366 days a year
Here and near

And with a blink of an eye
A moment just passed by
I can't even believe
That you have to leave

I want you 25 i need you 25 day and night

So pls just hold me tight
Through vallеys, and over hills
So pls dont go for tonight
The way you look gives mе chills

If you could feel me
That i need you more than you'll ever know
I really mean it
Please Never leave me until i say so

I finally found some place to stay

I want you 25 hours a day
8 days a week and oh please just stay
I Need you 366 days a year
Here and near

And with a blink of an eye
A moment just passed by
I can't even believe
That you have to leave
I want you 25 i need you 25

I want you 25 hours a day
8 days a week and oh please just stay
I Need you 366 days a year
Here and near

And with a blink of an eye
A moment just passed by
I can't even believe
That you have to leave

I want you 25 i need you 25

I want you 25 hours a day
8 days a week and oh please just stay
I Need you 366 days a year
Here and near

And with a blink of an eye
A moment just passed by
I can't even believe
That you have to leave

I want you 25 i need you 25 day and night

Highland Sanctuary - Backroad Saturday Night Songtext

zu Backroad Saturday Night von Highland Sanctuary - Backroad Saturday Night Lyrics Highland Sanctuary - Backroad Saturday Night Text Backroad Saturday Night Highland Sanctuary Backroad Saturday Night Liedtext
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