Her Name Was Claire - Colorized Text

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I'm so sick of all these pretty boys tryna act like the shit
And I just wish they wouldn't fall in love then leave me so quick

I been searching, don't think it's out there
Talks for hours, walks in with flowers
Dirty converse 6'2 and brown hair
Every little thing that I want

Guess I gotta build my Frankenstein
Draw the picture, color all the lines
When it's right I'll take a test drive
Every little thing that I want

When I'm mad he'll kiss me till I'm numb and then not treat me so bad

He makes me laugh
He's never on my nerves, gets along with my dad (My dad)

I been searching, don't think it's out there
Oh so loyal makes me feel spoiled
He's my daydream never a nightmare
Every little thing that I want

Guess I gotta build my Frankenstein
Draw the picture, color all the lines
When it's right, I'll take a test drive
Every little thing that I want

Guess I gotta build my Frankenstein
Draw the picture, color all the lines
When it's right, I'll take a test drive
Every little thing that I want

Every little thing that I want
Every little thing that I want

Clap, clap

Guess I gotta build my Frankenstein
Draw the picture, color all the lines
When it's right, I'll take a test drive
Every little thing that I want

Guess I gotta build my Frankenstein
Draw the picture, color all the lines
When it's right, I'll take a test drive
Every little thing that I want

Her Name Was Claire - Colorized Songtext

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