Songtext zu Stayin' Alive
Your hands were covered in paintThe pillow smothered my cry
You were half charmer half snake
I lived in dreamtime
But I'm alive; I survived you
And the bitter taste, the years I wasted
All the hate is gone
'Cause I'm alive
Some nights I'd sleep in the car
Just to escape you
You drove devotion too far
No-one could save you
But I'm alive; I survived you
And the bitter taste, the years I wasted
All the hate is gone
'Cause I'm Alive
I still have visions of you
I still have nights to get through
And when the trust isn't true
I have these visions of you, visions of you
But I'm alive; I survived you
And the bitter taste, the years I wasted
All the hate is gone 'cause I'm alive
Ride on and fade away
There's nothing more to say
Ride on and fade away
There's nothing more to say
Heather Nova - Stayin' Alive Songtext
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Stayin' Alive
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