Songtext zu Kill You With Kindness
Each time you’ll feel much betterYes, you’re going to feel better
Want to know why you’ll feel much better?
I promise you’ll feel better
Ah – Kill you with kindness
Ah – Kill you with kindness
Killed you with kindness
Every guise, every cause
Every feeling that you can’t explain
Every kind, every cure
Every body that you’ve never seen
Won’t you let me lay my hand?
Lay my hands
Hey, sometimes we’re forgiven
Hey, sometimes
Hey, something we’re forgiven
Everyone’s tired of pain
Everyone’s tired of pain
Hours of time
Hours of time
Hours of time
Hours of time
Everyone’s tired of pain
Tired of pain
So you call me so many times
Hours and hours you find me patient
Hours and hours you call my name
All I believe now is out there
All I believe is now there
At this point I feel great
Everything once so uncertain suddenly seems safe
Each day I wake
Seeing them as moments I must face
Everybody knows exactly how I’m feeling
Filling up my heart, just glowing with belief in
Everyone is so good hearted
People I can call on
Welcome to the hospital
Sit down there in the row
I can taste metal
And my depression grows
I can’t let it bring me down
I’d like to ask someone to find the way
But no one comes and what would they say?
I – I must have broken down
Eats me now
Heinous corpuscles
Determined to get ya
(x2) Every guise, every cause
Every feeling that you can’t explain
Every kind, every cure
Every body that you’ve never seen
Won’t you let me lay my hand?
Lay my hands
Find myself in a caustic sarcophagus
That’s corroding and eating my soul
If I slip down into the cavern
I’ll never come out and I’ll be condemned
Pay someone to take this away from me
I will give you all that I own
Peddlers, traders, all hawking placebos
No one knows what in life will befall
Headspace - Kill You With Kindness Songtext
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