Hawkwind - Frozen In Time Text

Songtext zu Frozen In Time

I walked in to the street
It all seemed very still
The winds have dropped
But I could still feel a chill
My gut was telling me
We'd come to the end of the line
Don't you get that feeling
We're all just doing time

I can't remember the words
The last things I heard
The last time we spoke and
It plays on my mind

I thought we had time
I thought we had so much more

I thought I saw you smile
But it was just the sun
Shinning in your eyes
Frozen in sweet surprise

You're here but you're looking through me
Waiting for time to start again
You're here but you're looking through me
Waiting for time to start again

I can feel the earth's still turning
I can see my breath
I can see the sun's still burning
But it never sets
I can feel my body aching
So it's not over yet

I can't remember the words
The last things I heard
The last time we spoke and
It plays on my mind
I thought we had time
I thought we had so much more

I thought I saw you smiling
But it was just the sun
Shinning in your eyes
Frozen in sweet surprise

You're here but you're looking through me
Waiting for time to start again
You're here but you're looking through me
Waiting for time to start again
You're here but you're looking right through me
Waiting for time to start again
You're here but you're looking right through me
Waiting for time to start again

Waiting for time to start again
Time to start again

I wish I could remember
The last words that you said
Surrounded by mannequins
I used to know as friends
Abandoned by God
A forgotten game of chess
Reflected in your eyes
The sun that never sets

Hawkwind - Frozen In Time Songtext

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