Hamilton Park - Grindin' Text

Songtext zu Grindin'

Chris Voice
Yeah, Oh, Yeah, Oh Yeah, Oh, Yeah
She choose me, I Choose Her
And She know how to make a niggah stay (down)
She Bossy, but I boss Her
And You Know what It Is Now
She Know how to take it
Workin On the Pavement, You Know What I'm Sayin
She don't need to fake it
Cuz I know how to do it I know how to make her say ooowww
Owwwww, owwwww, owwwww, watch me put it down
Dowwnnnn, dowwwwwn, dowwwwn

All Of Hamilton Park
She Got me sweatin and tired
But I be damned if I get fired so I'm workin baby tell me is it workin for you
I'm talkin 8 hrs straight and baby I don't need no brakes cuz I'm workin I see that It's workin for you
So I'm grindin grindin grindin (ooooh) grindin grindin grindin (ooooh)
Grindin grindin grindin (ooooh) I'm workin baby tell me is it workin for you

Chris Voice
Day and Night.. I be on my J.O. she can never say no
Her Papers right.. Cuz she don't come cheap
But You get what you pay for
Now I'm Breakin Concrete
You Know I keep my hard hat on
Shawtys fly.. I be Smooth sailing I love it when shes yellin out.
Ooowwww..owwwwww.owwwww. watch me put it down... dowwwnnnnnn.. dowwwwwnnn.dooowowwn

All Of Hamilton Park
She Got me sweatin and tired
But I be damned if I get fired so I'm workin baby tell me is it workin for you
I'm talkin 8 hrs straight and baby I don't need no brakes cuz I'm workin I see that It's workin for you

So I'm grindin grindin grindin (ooooh) grindin grindin grindin (ooooh)
Grindin grindin grindin (ooooh) I'm workin I see that its workin for you

Mr. Marcus Lee
If He pay the bills on time.. and always treat yah right (gon and give em some, you need to give em some)
If that niggah workin 9 to 5 and hustle on the side (shawty give em some, you need to give em some)
Say If He pay the bills on time.. and always treat yah right (gon and give em some, you need to give em some)
If he don't take you shoppin and keep you fly, and he ain't hittin right (gon and give me some, you need to give me some)

All Of Hamilton Park
She Got me sweatin and tired
But I be damned if I get fired so I'm workin baby tell me is it workin for you
I'm talkin 8 hrs straight and baby I don't need no brakes cuz I'm workin I see that It's workin for you
So I'm grindin grindin grindin (ooooh) grindin grindin grindin (ooooh)
Grindin grindin grindin (ooooh) I'm workin baby tell me is it workin for you

Hamilton Park - Grindin' Songtext

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