Songtext zu Will You Be
Falling, I am falling
I am laying awake and I'm staring again
Running, I am running
In my dreams I can't shake all those feelings away
Would you let me know
Would you let it show
Would you let me go away now
I am numb, can't you see?
It's a race that I can't seem to win
Will you be
My sanity, my entity
Keeping it real
Will you be
My everything, my enemy endlessly
Searching, I am searching
For another way out but I can't stave it off
Holding, I am holding
Our world in my hands, could you please understand
Would you let me know
Would you let it show
Would you let me go away now
I am numb, can't you see?
It's a race that I can't seem to win
Will you be
My sanity, my entity
Keeping it real
Will you be
My everything, my enemy endlessly
H.e.a.t - Will You Be Songtext
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