Gwen Stefani feat. Marshmello - I'm So Sick Text

Songtext zu I'm So Sick

You wanna go out, I wanna be home
You be with your friends, I'll be on my own
You want the heat, I like the cold
Maybe we're just incompatible

Because I-uh, oh, I-uh
Try to put the flame out on this fire
Oh, I don't know
Yeah, I-uh, oh I-uh
I don't see no way I can be quiet
'bout this, no more


I'm so sick of the petty little things
Of the petty little games you're playin'
I'm so sick
Of the way you talk to me
Of the way you don't know what I'm sayin'

I-uh, oh, I-uh, oh, I-uh
I-uh, oh, I-uh, oh-oh

You're looking at her when you're with me
I wanna pretend like I didn't see
Couse you know just how to fuck with me
This is getting way too tirin'

Because I-uh, oh, I-uh
Try to put the flame out on this fire
But I can't do this anymore

I'm so sick of the petty little things
Of the petty little games you're playin'
I'm so sick
Of the way you talk to me
Of the way you don't know what I'm sayin'

I-uh, oh, I-uh, oh, I-uh
I-uh, oh, I-uh, oh-oh x2

Push me too far
It really shouldn't be this hard
I'm really tryin' to hold on
This love is too weak
Promises we don't keep
Keep makin' it go on

I'm so sick of the petty little things
Of the petty little games you're playin'
I'm so sick
Of the way you talk to me
Of the way you don't know what I'm sayin'

I'm so sick of the petty little things
Of the petty little games you're playin'
I'm so sick
Of the way you talk to me
Of the way you don't know what I'm sayin'

I'm so sick (I-uh, oh, I-uh, oh, I-uh)
Of the petty little things (Na-na-na-na-na-na-yeah)
Of the petty little games you're playin' (I-uh, oh, I-uh, oh-oh)
I'm so sick (I-uh, oh, I-uh, oh, I-uh)
Of the way you talk to me (Na-na-na-na-na-na-yeah)
Of the way you don't know what I'm sayin' (I-uh, oh, I-uh, oh-oh)


Marshmello & Gwen Stefani - I'm So Sick Songtext

zu I'm So Sick von Gwen Stefani - I'm So Sick feat. Marshmello Lyrics Gwen Stefani - I'm So Sick feat. Marshmello Text Gwen Stefani & Marshmello - I'm So Sick Tekst piosenki I'm So Sick Gwen Stefani I'm So Sick Liedtext
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