Guru Josh - Infinity Text

Songtext zu Infinity

Here's my key, philosophy
A freak like me just needs infinity
Relax, take your time

And take your time to trust in me
And you will find infinity (Infinity), infinity


And take your time to trust in me
And you will find infinity (Infinity), infinity


And time goes by so naturally
While you receive… infinity (Infinity, infinity, infinity, infinity)

Here's my key, philosophy
A freak like me just needs infinity
Relax, take your time

And take your time to trust in me
And you will find infinity (Infinity), infinity (Infinity)
Infinity (Infinity), infinity (Infinity)
Infinity (Infinity), infinity (Infinity), infinity (Infinity)


And take your time to trust in me
And you will find—

And time goes by so naturally
While you receive… infinity (Infinity, infinity)


Guru Josh - Infinity Songtext

zu Infinity von Guru Josh - Infinity Lyrics Guru Josh - Infinity Text Infinity Guru Josh Infinity Liedtext
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Album: Infinity 2008 (Remixes) (2008)

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