Guacáyo - Imik Simik Text

Songtext zu Imik Simik

Imik si mik
Afousse hou fousse
Wink d'winou ira n'ftou

[Verse 1]
I will take the train
Leave the sun for the rain
And come downtown
I will spend money and time
Loose friends and cry
More than motherless child
I will come downtown to you now

Imik si mik
Afousse hou fousse
Wink d'winou ira n'ftou
Lih t'sfa tassa inou
Lih toumtz afoussinou
Lih sfane iwaininou
Lih toumtz afoussinou
Imik si mik
Afousse hou fousse
Wink d'winou ira n'ftou

[Verse 2]
I will take the train
Leave the sun for the rain
And come downtown
I will spend money and time
Loose friends and cry
More than motherless child

I will come downtown to you now

[Verse 3]
So baby won't you please open the door
And let me until we can forget all
Just you and me
Forever downtown in the city
My love
My dear
My sweet baby
I need to see
To feel
To breath
Your touch
Your kiss
Your smile
Your lips
I need to see you
To feel you right here
Leave the sun for the rain
And come down town

Imik si mik
Afousse hou fousse

Guacáyo - Imik Simik Songtext

zu Imik Simik von Guacáyo - Imik Simik Lyrics Guacáyo - Imik Simik Text Imik Simik Guacáyo Imik Simik Liedtext
Guacáyo Imik Simik Letra de Imik Simik com Guacáyo Guacáyo - Imik Simik Songtekst Guacáyo - Imik Simik Tekst
Album: Handmade (2010)

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