Goose - Give It Time Text

Songtext zu Give It Time

[Verse 1]
Feels like a premonition
A storm behind your eyes
And all of the questions
As you lie awake at night

Is this really what I wanted
Will I ever be?
Anything but a pretender
Living inside of a dream

Give it time
Go ahead and give it hell

Give it all you’ve got
Or give it up for something else
It’s a revelation
It’s a hallelujah
It’s the nature of the spirit running through ya
So take it easy
Just begin again
Take a step back from the racе that you’ve been running in
It’s the next song coming on thе radio
Just when you need it

So turn it up and let it go
Turn it up and let it go
Turn it up and let it go
Turn it up and let it go

[Verse 2]
You follow the illusion
The fear behind your pride
Come the morning you’ll remember

When to run and when to fight
Am I really being honest?
Will I ever be
Free from the expectation
Living inside a memory

Give it time
Go ahead and give it hell
Give it all you’ve got
Or give it up for something else
It’s a revelation
It’s a hallelujah
It’s the nature of the spirit running through ya
So take it easy
Just begin again
Take a step back from the race that you’ve been running in
It’s the next song
Coming on the radio
Just when you need it

So turn it up and let it go
Turn it up and let it go
Turn it up and let it go
Turn it up and let it go

Give it time
Go ahead and give it hell
Give it all you’ve got
Give it up for something else
It’s a revelation
It’s a hallelujah
It’s the nature of the spirit running through ya
So take it easy
Just begin again
Take a step back from the race that you’ve been running in
It’s the next song coming on the radio
Just when you need it
So turn it up and let it go

Give it time
Go ahead and give it hell
Give it all you’ve got
Give it up for something else
It’s a revelation
It’s a hallelujah
It’s the nature of the spirit running through ya
So take it easy
Just begin again
Take a step back from the race that you’ve been running in
It’s the next song coming on the radio

Goose - Give It Time Songtext

zu Give It Time von Goose - Give It Time Lyrics Goose (Band) - Give It Time Text Goose - Give It Time Tekst piosenki Give It Time Goose Give It Time Liedtext
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Album: 2024-04-09: The Capitol Theatre, Port Chester, NY (2024)

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