Songtext zu Moon In Your Mouth
[Verse 1]I'm alive
I feel your heartbeat
Moon in your mouth
We are perfection
Life and desire
I wanna stay here now
Every moment is a luxury
Just hold me now
And don't let go
You started something
I'm alive
[Verse 2]
I feel the blood
See stars in your eyes
Every cell in this shell
Lights a light
So, hold me now
And don't let go
We started something
We're alive
We're looking at the Moon
It's the same face we all see
Goldfrapp - Moon In Your Mouth Songtext
zu Moon In Your Mouth von Goldfrapp - Moon In Your Mouth Lyrics Goldfrapp - Moon In Your Mouth Text Moon In Your Mouth Goldfrapp Moon In Your Mouth LiedtextGoldfrapp Moon In Your Mouth Letra de Moon In Your Mouth com Goldfrapp Goldfrapp - Moon In Your Mouth Songtekst Goldfrapp - Moon In Your Mouth Tekst
Album: Silver Eye (2017)
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