Glen Hansard - There's No Mountain Text

Songtext zu There's No Mountain

Night has fallen, let’s go out into it
Bring a blanket and a bottle
I’ll need a friend to get me through it
And lately in this life
There’s no quick fix or easy answers
Gonna put all our troubles to right

In love it’s the same
There’s no doubt blues is running the game
Keep your lantern trimmed and burning till the end of the night
Put your cheek to the wind
When you go without, then you’ll go within
If it comes to blows, take it all on the chin
There’s no worthier fight

We’re working, working through it
Losing is a dirty word, I know
But sometimes it’s all we can do
And lately this heart of mine
Has been bruised and it’s been broken
And it’s lost a little spark of divine

And right as I thought I was soaring
The thunder came roaring in
And cut me down to size
And right as I had all of the answers
You said ‘no, there’s no mountain worth its salt
Gonna be easy to climb’
But we climbed it, and we scaled it
And when the wind and the weather were with us
I knew we wouldn’t fail
And we see it, and we take it
And if we fall by the side at least we’ll know that we tried
To leave a little light on our way

And right as I thought I was losing
That truth came bruising and cut me right down in my pride
And right as I thought I was all out of answers
You said ‘no, there’s no mountain great or small you can’t climb
There’s no mountain you can’t move or you can’t climb’

But we climb it, and we scale it
And when the wind and the weather are working together
I knew that we could make it
And we see it, and we take it
We set out unready, unworthy and unsteady
For all we now leave in our wake

There’s no mountain great or small you can’t climb
There’s no mountain you can’t move or you can’t climb

Glen Hansard - There's No Mountain Songtext

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