George Strait - Wish I could say Text

Songtext zu Wish I could say

Wish I could say, "Bartender, close me out when you can
I don't wanna keep her a-waitin'
And I don't know when I'll be back in here
So no, the seat I'm on, it don't need savin'"

And there's no way a guy like me
Could ever let a girl like that one get away
Bartender, keep 'em comin'
There's a whole lot more that I wish I could say

Wish I could tell you I'm the luckiest guy
Who ever stepped foot into this bar
'Cause I got someone who swears I'm her only one

And thinks I hung the moon and stars

Wish I could tell you she's home waitin' for me now
I need to be on my way
Bartender, bring another round
There's a whole lot more that I wish I could say

Wish I could say she'd never leave me all alone
Lookin' for that greener grass
Wish I could say it won't be long, and she'll be home
God, I love the sound of that

Wish I could tell you how the world ain't endin'
And how it's all gonna be okay
Bartender, don't go too far now
There's a whole lot more that I wish I could say

Wish I could say she'd never leave me all alone
Lookin' for that greener grass
Wish I could say it won't be long, and she'll be home

God, I love the sound of that

Wish I could tell you how the world ain't endin'
And how it's all gonna be okay
Bartender, don't go too far now
There's a whole lot more that I wish I could say

Mm, bartender, don't go too far now
There's a whole lot more that I wish I could say

George Strait - Wish I could say Songtext

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