Gary Kemp - I Know Where I'm Going Text

Songtext zu I Know Where I'm Going

I know where I'm going
There's a boat down on the harbour
There's a house out on the island
It's waiting.

I know where I'm going
I have planned to take a rest there
There's a forest to be calm in
Still growing.

I know where I'm going
In the distance there's a lighthouse
With its steps turned in a spiral

I'll climb them.

And there I'll send you signals
You'll recognise the language
I will use to my advantage
The island.

I know where I'm going
Oh the sea is getting calmer
I can see it just beyond me
It's waiting.

And I know where I'm going
Oh my case is getting lighter
I'll need little in that harbour
Just knowing
Just knowing…Giving it Up

Headlights lighting up the night in a yellow glow
Cool rain running through the streets that I used to know

I'm lost in the shadow of memory
And caught in some internal commentary.

Cause I never thought that I could be forgiving
Never thought that I would come of age
Finally I'm open to this feeling
Cause I'm…

Giving it up, giving it up, giving in.

You like the weakness that you feel, it's a kind of hope
Holding onto stones that you carried round for years when you couldn't cope
I'm tangled in briars of memory
I'm dragged by the the things I deny.

Ooh cause I never thought that I could be forgiven
Never thought that you could break the mould
Suddenly I'm open to this living
Cause I'm…

Giving it up, giving it up, giving in
I'm giving it up.

Hold me down and take me under
Let me feel your body weight
Embrace me like you're rolling thunder
Oh come on now, tear down this gate.

Cause I never thought that I could be forgiving
Never thought that I would come of age
Finally I'm open to this feeling
Cause I'm

Giving it up, giving it up, giving in.

Hold me down and take me under
Let me feel your body weight
Embrace me like you're rolling thunder
Come on now, tear down this gate.  

Gary Kemp - I Know Where I'm Going Songtext

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Album: I Know Where I’m Going (2025)

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