Gareth Emery & Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel Text

Songtext zu Concrete Angel

[Verse 1]
Let me breathe you in, and breathe the words in your mouth
Inside you're shivering, the silence shouts so loud
I just want to, I just want to stay around
And while my heart beats, I promise I won't let you down

[Verse 2]
If I'm somewhere else, it doesn't mean that I don't see
That you don't trust yourself, that's why you don't trust me
It makes me crazy, when you're crazy
You don't speak
You think you know me
But what you know is just skin deep

If you keep building these walls, brick by brick, towers so tall
Soon I won't see you at all, 'til the concrete angel falls
I knew who you were from the start
But now I don't know who you are
Soon there'll be nothing at all, until the concrete angel falls

If you keep building these walls, brick by brick, towers so tall
Soon I won't see you at all, 'til the concrete angel falls
I knew who you were from the start
But now I don't know who you are
Soon there'll be nothing at all, until the concrete angel falls49

Gareth Emery und Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel (Radio Edit) Songtext

zu Concrete Angel (Radio Edit) von Gareth Emery & Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel Lyrics Christina Novelli & Gareth Emery - Concrete Angel (Radio Edit) Text Concrete Angel (Radio Edit) Gareth Emery & Christina Novelli Concrete Angel (Radio Edit) Liedtext
Gareth Emery & Christina Novelli Concrete Angel Letra de Concrete Angel com Gareth Emery & Christina Novelli Gareth Emery & Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel Songtekst Gareth Emery & Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel (Radio Edit) Tekst
Album: A State Of Trance: 15 Years (2016)

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