Gareth Dunlop & Kim Richey - One And The Same Text

Songtext zu One And The Same

I know what's rolling around in your head
It's too hard to say so you leave it unsaid
It's easier to turn and walk away instead

You speak of love as if it was a ghost
That you don't believe in and you never get close
And you never give into what you want the most

Oh yeah, you and me
We are one and the same
We light up the fire
And we run from the flame
We pray for a storm

Then hide from the rain
You and me
We are one and the same
We are one and the same

You lost your way
How you gonna get back?
You've gone so far now
You're clear off the map
You're dying for help
But you're too proud to ask

Oh yeah, you and me
We are one and the same
We light up the fire
And we run from the flame
We pray for a storm
Then hide from the rain
You and me
We are one and the same

Always running away
Always running away
Always running

Oh yeah, you and me
We are one and the same
We light up the fire
And we run from the flame
We pray for a storm
Then hide from the rain
You and me
We are one and the same
We are one and the same
We are one and the same

Gareth Dunlop & Kim Richey - One And The Same Songtext

zu One And The Same von Gareth Dunlop & Kim Richey - One And The Same Lyrics Kim Richey & Gareth Dunlop - One And The Same Text One And The Same Gareth Dunlop & Kim Richey One And The Same Liedtext
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