Songtext zu Shift
Because my instinct is to tear another hole in myselfYou'll be afraid of ever calming me down
You should start living
Yeah, you should start living again
And I've been coming up with reasons to change
They say the chemicals have got to be safe
I think I should start loving
I think I should start loving again
Call you on the drive home
Tell you this is gonna be it
Cause I live in a cycle
I promise you don't want to begin
Could take the low road by driving right over the edge
Take another little trip in my head
But the come down is wearing me out
I wish I could stop wearing you out
And if all my misgivings are true
I'll need a reason not to empty you
It was only a vision in a moment so transient
It was only a vision
Call you on the drive home
I'm glad it's over
I'm glad it's over now
Call you on the drive home
Tell you this is gonna be it
Cause I live in a cycle
I promise you don't want to begin
Call you on the drive home
GARDENS - Shift Songtext
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Album: Maricopa (2017)
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