Songtext zu On The Ocean
a lonely craft on the oceanan island on the sea
a star in space body shapeless
seeker without the key
wanna get rid of illusion
they were clouding up my mind
I wanna do it
don't wanna screw it
oh best is yet to come
get off taken for granted
they were running on my mind
I wanna break it
I wanna shake it
I wanna move it now
on the waves I float
the restless deep
so let go
wherever I am heading
the way's emerging
so come on
beneath the tides I'm on
life unfolds
so come on
when the water calls
you hear the summon
so come on
the storm is on
trust the flow
so let go
diving deep in depths
trust in the sense
and come on
life is tearing apart
I wanna get to the other side
life was darning the parts
led from the inside to the other side
twists and turnings cause I
I wanna get to the other side
life was darning the parts
led from the inside to the other side
Gallileous - On The Ocean Songtext
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