Future, Metro Boomin & The Weeknd - Always Be My Fault Text

Songtext zu Always Be My Fault

[Intro: Future]
We converse when it's dark
I can hear you in the storm
When you moan, it turn me on
Like to converse in the dark
I can hear you in the storm
When you moan, it turn me on
We conversin' in the dark

[Bridge: Future]
Woah, woah, woah
Woah, woah, woah
Woah, woah, woah
Woah, woah, woah

[Verse 1: Future & The Weeknd]
We conversin' over drugs
When I speak, it's from the heart
I can hear you when you call
You know Benjamin's all yours
I'm indulgin' in your heart
I can't let you break my heart no more
I can't let you break my heart (I can't let you break my heart)

[Chorus: Future & The Weeknd]
It's gon' always be my fault (It's gon' always be)
It's gon' always bе my fault (Woah)
It's gon' always be my fault (Oh, woah)
Just pick me up if I fall (Oh, woah)
I can't let you brеak my heart (Oh, woah)
I can't trust you anymore

[Verse 2: The Weeknd]

I can't trust you anymore
But I did it on my own
Paid the price, now I'm alone
I guess now I'll never sleep again
I just wanna find my peace again, oh
Now I'm haunted by the ghosts
Of the ones I hurt the most
Bedroom like a graveyard
Rather die 'fore I weep again
Turn your tears to a sea again
Played with my heart like a cello
Made you cry in falsetto
Cut you off like giallo
Girl, I told you that this shit is like an opera to me
Ooh, I'll turn your love to tragedy

[Chorus: Future & The Weeknd]
It's gon' always be my fault (Woah)
It's gon' always be my fault (Woah)
It's gon' always be my fault (Oh, woah)
Just pick me up if I fall (Woah)
I can't let you break my heart (Oh)

[Outro: Future & The Weeknd]
Woah, woah, woah
Woah, woah, woah
Woah, woah, woah
It's gon' always be my fault (No)
Woah, woah, woah (Yeah)
Woah, woah, woah
Woah, woah, woah (Yeah)
It's gon' always be my fault
Woah, woah, woah
It's gon' always be my fault

Future, Metro Boomin & The Weeknd - Always Be My Fault Songtext

zu Always Be My Fault von Future, Metro Boomin & The Weeknd - Always Be My Fault Lyrics The Weeknd & Future, Metro Boomin - Always Be My Fault Text Always Be My Fault Future, Metro Boomin & The Weeknd Always Be My Fault Liedtext
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