Freya Ridings - Castles TEXT

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Songtext zu Castles

[Verse 1]
You left my love, you hit the target
You got that rush and then you walk out the door
You kept me small, it's what you wanted
I never noticed
You held my hand into the darkness
I didn't care, it made me just want you more
My god, your love, it seems so harmless
I never noticed

And I hate that you're gone
And I hate that I don't wanna let go

And I hate that you think that I'm weak
'Cause I don't wanna let you know

I'm gonna build castles
From the rubble of your love
From the rubble of your love
I'm gonna be more than
You ever thought I was
You ever thought I was (Ooh)

[Verse 2]
Each time you left, there was a hunger
I felt so dead, I couldn't take anymore
Losing your love, it left me stronger
I never noticed

And I hate that you're gone
And I hate that I don't wanna let go

And I hate that you think that I'm weak
'Cause I don't wanna let you know

That I'm gonna build castles
From the rubble of your love
From the rubble of your love
I'm gonna be more than
You ever thought I was
You ever thought I was


That I'm gonna build castles
From the rubble of your love
From the rubble of your love
I'm gonna be more than
You ever thought I was
You ever thought I was, oh
From the rubble of your love
From the rubble of your love
I'm gonna be more than
You ever thought I was
You ever thought I was
That I'm gonna build castles
From the rubble of your love
From the rubble of your love
I'm gonna be more than
You ever thought I was
You ever thought I was

That I'm gonna build castles
From the rubble of your love
From the rubble of your love
I'm gonna be stronger than
You ever thought I was
You ever thought I was

Freya Ridings - Castles Songtext

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