Fred again & Skrillex & Four Tet - Baby again Text

Songtext zu Baby again

Baby puttin' on for the city
Baby, he the realest, Baby prolly got a couple million
Baby puttin' on for the city
Baby, he the realest, Baby prolly got a couple million
Baby puttin' on for the city
Baby, he the realest, Baby prolly got a couple million
Baby puttin' on for the city
Baby, he the realest, Baby prolly got a couple million

Baby puttin' on for the city
Baby, he the realest, Baby prolly got a couple million
Baby hang with four or five killers
Baby got children, Baby prolly still drug dealin'
Baby ain't a trapper, he a rapper

Baby makin' classics, Baby in the hood gettin' active
Baby keep it real with his people
Baby like a preacher, Baby prolly still sell reefer
Baby puttin' on for the city
Baby, he the realest, Baby prolly got a couple million
Baby hang with four or five killers
Baby got children, Baby prolly still drug dealin'
Baby ain't a trapper, he a rapper
Baby makin' classics, Baby in the hood gettin' active
Baby keep it real with his people
Baby like a preacher, Baby prolly still sell

Baby puttin' on for the city
Baby, he the realest, Baby prolly got a couple million
Baby hang with four or five killers
Baby got children, Baby prolly still drug dealin'
Baby ain't a trapper, he a rapper
Baby makin' classics, Baby in the hood gettin' active
Baby keep it real with his people
Baby like a preacher, Baby prolly still sell reefer

Baby puttin' on for the city
Baby, he the realest, Baby prolly got a couple million
Baby hang with four or five killers
Baby got children, Baby prolly still drug dealin'
Baby ain't a trapper, he a rapper
Baby makin' classics, Baby in the hood gettin' active
Baby keep it real with his people
Baby like a preacher, Baby prolly still sell reefer

Baby puttin' on for the city
Baby, he the realest, Baby prolly got a couple million
Baby hang with four or five killers
Baby got children, Baby prolly still drug dealin'

Baby ain't a trapper, he a rapper
Baby makin' classics, Baby in the hood gettin' active
Baby keep it real with his people
Baby like a preacher, Baby prolly still sell reefer
Baby ain't a trapper, he a rapper
Baby makin' classics, Baby in the hood gettin' active
Baby keep it real with his people
Baby like a preacher, Baby prolly still sell reefer

Baby puttin' on for the city
Baby, he the realest, Baby prolly got a couple million
Baby hang with four or five killers
Baby got children, Baby prolly still drug dealin'
Baby ain't a trapper, he a rapper
Baby makin' classics

Baby hang with four or five killers
Baby got children, Baby prolly still drug dealin'
Baby ain't a trapper, he a rapper
Baby makin' classics, Baby in the hood gettin' active
Baby keep it real with his people
Baby like a preacher, Baby prolly still sell reefer
Baby hang with four or five killers
Baby got children, Baby prolly still drug dealin'
Baby ain't a trapper, he a rapper
Baby makin' classics, Baby in the hood gettin' active
Baby keep it real with his people
Baby like a preacher, Baby prolly still sell reefer
Baby puttin' on for the city
Baby, he the realest, Baby prolly got a couple million
Baby hang with four or five killers
Baby got children, Baby prolly still drug dealin'
Baby ain't a trapper, he a rapper
Baby makin' classics, Baby in the hood gettin' active
Baby keep it real with his people
Baby like a preacher, Baby prolly still sell reefer

Baby puttin' on for the city
Baby, he the realest, Baby prolly got a couple million
Baby hang with four or five killers
Baby got children, Baby prolly still drug dealin'
Baby ain't a trapper, he a rapper
Baby makin' classics, Baby in the hood gettin' active
Baby keep it real with his people
Baby like a preacher, Baby prolly still sell reefer
Baby puttin' on for the city
Baby, he the realest, Baby prolly got a couple million
Baby hang with four or five killers
Baby got children, Baby prolly still drug dealin'
Baby ain't a trapper, he a rapper
Baby makin' classics, Baby in the hood gettin' active
Baby keep it real with his people
Baby like a preacher, Baby prolly still sell reefer
Baby puttin' on for the city
Baby, he the realest, Baby prolly got a couple million
Baby hang with four or five killers
Baby got children, Baby prolly still drug dealin'
Baby ain't a trapper, he a rapper
Baby makin' classics, Baby in the hood gettin' active
Baby keep it real with his people
Baby like a preacher, Baby prolly still sell reefer

Baby like a
Baby ain't
Baby makin'

On for the
Baby like a
Baby ain't
Baby makin'
On for the
Baby like a
Baby ain't
Baby makin'

Fred again.., Skrillex & Four Tet - Baby again.. Songtext

zu Baby again von Fred again... & Skrillex & Four Tet - Baby again... Lyrics Skrillex & Fred again... - Baby again Text Baby again Fred again & Skrillex & Four Tet Baby again Liedtext
Fred again & Skrillex & Four Tet Baby again Letra de Baby again com Fred again & Skrillex & Four Tet

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