FRANK ZAPPA - Willie the Pimp TEXT

Willie the Pimp
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Songtext zu Willie the Pimp

I'm a little pimp with my hair gassed back
Pair of khaki pants with my shoes shined black

Got a little lady walk that street
Tellin' all the boys that she can't be beat

Twenty dollar bill, I can set you straight
Meet me on the corner boy'n don't be late

Man in a suit with bow-tie neck
Want to buy a grunt with a third party check

Standin' onna porch of the Lido Hotel
Floozies in the lobby love the way I sell

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FRANK ZAPPA - Willie the Pimp Songtext

zu Willie the Pimp von Frank Zappa - Willie the Pimp Lyrics Frank Zappa - Willie the Pimp Text Willie the Pimp Frank Zappa Willie the Pimp Liedtext
FRANK ZAPPA Willie the Pimp Letra de Willie the Pimp com FRANK ZAPPA
Album: Hot Rats (1969)

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