Songtext zu Somebody Else But Me
Smoking alone on my best friend's bathroom floor
Caught by surprise when you call me and cried
Said you didn't recognize me
I got my power back
For every tear I got a little stronger
And now I know it was supposed to be over
I'm sorry it's over
I said it there's nothing that can save us
you were hurting and I get it
Cuz I've been there too
I'm happy you're trying to do better
You really wanna change
But just save it for another
For somebody elese but me
Amd when you will find somebody else in your life
Don't look back on our time
Embrace the change it's part of life
I know you will be fine
For every tear you get s little stronger
And now I know it was supposed to be over
I'm sorry it's over
I said it there's nothing that can save us
You were hurting and I get it
Cuz I've been there too
I'm happy you're trying to do better
You really wanna change
But just save it for another
For somebody elese but me
I know it will hurt
And first it's gonna get worse
Before it takes away
And you start to believe it was all for the better
This is how it supposed to be
I'm gone and I want you to move on
But I know it will hurt to see
You with somebody else but me
I'm sorry it's over
I said it there's nothing that can save us
You were hurting and I get it
Cuz I've been there too
I'm happy you're trying to do better
You really wanna change
But just save it for another
For somebody elese but me
This is how it supposed to be
I'm gone and I want you to move on
But I hope it
Francis On My Mind - Somebody Else But Me Songtext
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