Foy Vance - If Christopher Calls Text

Songtext zu If Christopher Calls

[Verse 1]
I just needed a little while
Time for to figure it out
In a little quiet

I left the bedroom door ajar
I'm running out and I need for to lay my head down
Can you turn the light out for me

It doesn’t matter who it is
Don't answer the door
They only wanna ask if I'm alright
Can’t say yes anymore


If Christopher calls
Wake me up and let me know
If Christopher calls
And if Christopher calls
Tell him that I held out hope
If Christopher calls

[Verse 2]
She sat out on a garden chair
Underneath the Tennessee sun
With the wind in her hair

She said I watched thе birds for a while
And they remindеd me to smile
But I knew that they'd fly before long
Can you raise the moon up for me

Doesn't matter who it is
Don't pick up the phone
They're only trying to keep me company
And I need to be alone

If Christopher calls
Wake me up and let me know
If Christopher calls (Christopher calls)
And if Christopher calls
Tell him that I held out hope
If Christopher calls

(Christopher calls)
If Christopher calls (Christopher calls)
Wake me up and let me know (Christopher calls)
If Christopher calls (Christopher calls, Christopher calls)
And if Christopher calls (Christopher calls)
Tell him that I held out hope (Christopher calls)
If Christopher calls

Foy Vance - If Christopher Calls (Live) Songtext

zu If Christopher Calls (Live) von Foy Vance - If Christopher Calls Lyrics Foy Vance - If Christopher Calls (Live) Text If Christopher Calls (Live) Foy Vance If Christopher Calls (Live) Liedtext
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Album: Signs Of Life (2021)

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