Songtext zu No Last Goodbyes
Down a quiet country lane
You hear the young people pray
As it all come to this Jesus help us
While the young ones, they flaunt
The youth we forgot
Is the love still around left to comforter?
But I pity them too
Will the dreams ever bloom?
Sure it can't stay like this
Not forever
While they search for a cure
Until then we cocoon
Through this web of our lives we once flattered
From the idle dance halls
Where we all sang along
Now the tunes that we sung sing to haunt us
And what I'd give for a pint
But there's no drop in sight
As we all stand alone
Now together
As we all stand alone together
As we all stand alone together
So farewell to the seasons
And thank you for leaving
Your breath on the morning
That bids us goodnight
Say hello to the hour
That quickly devours
The minutes you gave us
To say our goodbyes
There's no last goodbyes
There's no last goodbyes
If we all stand alone together
As we all stand alone together
As we all stand alone together
So farewell to the seasons
And thank you for leaving
Your breath on the morning
That bids us goodnight
Say hello to the hour
That quickly devours
These minutes you gave us
To say our goodbyes
As we all stand alone together
As we all stand alone together
As we all stand alone together
From this moment today
What we've learned, who can say?
Catch a cloud and we'll drift off together
Flogging Molly - No Last Goodbyes Songtext
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