FKA twigs - Eusexua Text

Songtext zu Eusexua

Songtext von Valentino fashion show

Wonder how you feel
Wonder how you feel
Words cannot describe, baby
This feeling deep inside
Wonder how you feel
Wonder how you feel
Words cannot describe, baby
This feeling deep inside

King sized, I'm vertical sunrised

Like flying, capsized
Free, I see you are
But you feel alone
You're not alone
And when they ask you say you feel it
But don't call it love, eusexua

Wonder how you feel
Wonder how you feel
Words cannot describe, baby
This feeling deep inside

King sized, I'm vertical sunrised
Like flying, capsized
Free, I see you are

But you feel alone
You're not alone
And when they ask you say you feel it
But don't call it love, eusexua
But you feel alone
You're not alone
And when they ask you say you feel it
But don't call it love, eusexua
But you feel alone, yes
You're not alone
And when they ask you say you feel it
But don't call it love, eusexua

People always told me that I take my love too far
Then refused to help me
I was on the edge of something greater than before
But nobody told me

FKA twigs - Eusexua Songtext

zu Eusexua von FKA twigs - Eusexua Lyrics FKA twigs - Eusexua Text Eusexua FKA twigs Eusexua Liedtext
FKA twigs Eusexua Letra de Eusexua com FKA twigs FKA twigs - Eusexua Tekst
Album: EUSEXUA (2024)

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