FKA twigs - Cellophane TEXT

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Songtext zu Cellophane

Didn't I do it for you?
Why don?t I do it for you?
Why won't you do it for me
When all I do is for you?

They want to see us, want to see us alone
They want to see us, want to see us apart
They want to see us, want to see us alone
They want to see us, want to see us apart

And I, just want to feel you're there
And I don?t want to have to share our love
I try, but I get overwhelmed

When you're gone I have no one to tell
And I, just want to feel you're there
And I don't want to have to share our love
I try but I get overwhelmed
All wrapped in cellophane, the feelings that we had

And didn't I do it for you?
Why don't I do it for you?
Why won't you do it for me
When all I do is for you?
And didn't I do it for you?
Why won?t I do it for you?
Why won?t you do it for me
When all I do is for you?

But I, just want to feel you're there
And I don?t want to have to share our love
I try but I get overwhelmed
When you're gone, I have no one to tell

They're waiting
They're watching
They?re watching us
They're hating
They're waiting
And hoping
I'm not enough

FKA twigs - Cellophane Songtext

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