Fiat Lux - Blue Emotion Text

Songtext zu Blue Emotion

Your words are framed on my wall
They paint a pretty picture: so many colors
Your words are everywhere
I hear them all around me when I dream at night
Your words are an inspiration
They tell me I can do anything, I really feel I can

And like the cure for blue emotion
Or a child in school
I'm like a man with a suitcase
Or a runaway
Nod at all the rich men, it all falls on the poor
We are mountains never ending, we don't move

You take me in, make me believe you (You take me in)
(And make me believe you)
I threw aside all of my own views (I, think I follow you)
I think I follow you
Your words are right I know (You're the best on here and now)
But somehow in my own mind
I think I've lost my way
(Your words are here and now)
Your words are here and now
(And they tell me, still they tell me)
Still telling me I can do anything
(But still they're only words)
But still they're only words

And like the cure for blue emotion
Or a child in school
I'm like a man with a suitcase

Or a runaway
Nod at all the rich men, it all falls on the poor
We are mountains never ending, we don't move

Oh, the dancers have their ration
They are happy in their hour
It's just a holiday on empty
The dancers have their ration
They are happy in their hour
It's just a holiday on empty

And like the cure for blue emotion
Is a child in school
And the man with a suitcase
Becomes a runa-runaway
Nod at all the rich, rich men, it all falls on the very poor
We are mountains never ending, we don't move
We are mountains never ending and we never, never move
Oh we don't move

Fiat Lux - Blue Emotion Songtext

zu Blue Emotion von Fiat Lux - Blue Emotion Lyrics Fiat Lux - Blue Emotion Text Blue Emotion Fiat Lux Blue Emotion Liedtext
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Album: Fac Ut Vivas (1984)

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